メディカルテクニカ リンク集

体温 0.1°精度 72時間連続 タブレットスマホ連携 世界初 FDA認可 本邦研究用

30日間連続1Ch 心電図ホルター記録 又は二週間オンラインリアルタイム送信 タブレットスマホ連携


detect coronary artery disease

Heart Test Laboratories will be presenting clinical trial results of their Myovista cardiac screening system at the American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions in November 2011. The proprietary patent-pending device is a portable diagnostic screening device that uses ECG technology to potentially within minutes. The technology uses three-dimensional mapping and proprietary algorithms that continuously multiplex surface electrodes to provide information in regards to potential obstruction in the coronary arteries. Heart Test Laboratories claim to have an impressive average 90% or greater correlation to an invasive angiogram with the MyoVista technology.

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