体温 0.1°精度 72時間連続 タブレットスマホ連携 世界初 FDA認可 本邦研究用

体温 0.1°精度 72時間連続 タブレットスマホ連携 世界初 FDA認可 本邦研究用

30日間連続1Ch 心電図ホルター記録 又は二週間オンラインリアルタイム送信 タブレットスマホ連携

30日間連続1Ch 心電図ホルター記録  又は二週間オンラインリアルタイム送信 タブレットスマホ連携


TensioClinic Arteriograph

ALL ABOUT ARTERIES © - ARTERIOGRAPH Breakthrough in Early Diagnosis of Arteriosclerosis The TensioClinic Arteriograph analyses the cardiovascular system from five highly important aspects to assure Comprehensive Cardiovascular Risk Assessment. Measuring Central and Peripheral Blood Pressure, Arterial Stiffness (PWV & AIx), Cardiac fitness and considering Classical Cardiovascular Risk Stratification (Framingham, SCORE), Arteriograph enables detecting the real, individual risk even at the early, reversible stage. Numerous EU references are available for reinforcing the significance of this unique screening device, which is also ideal for evaluating the efficiency of applied cardiovascular therapy and for follow up of diabetic patients, too.

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