体温 0.1°精度 72時間連続 タブレットスマホ連携 世界初 FDA認可 本邦研究用

体温 0.1°精度 72時間連続 タブレットスマホ連携 世界初 FDA認可 本邦研究用

30日間連続1Ch 心電図ホルター記録 又は二週間オンラインリアルタイム送信 タブレットスマホ連携

30日間連続1Ch 心電図ホルター記録  又は二週間オンラインリアルタイム送信 タブレットスマホ連携


wireless, non-invasive hemoglobin

OrSense has introduced its Glasswing wireless, non-invasive hemoglobin (Hb) measurement system. Hb measurements are usually performed using capillary blood obtained by finger pricking, which is sent to the lab for results. Glasswing uses the company’s proprietary non-invasive Hb measurement methods for continuous and spot Hb measurements. The wireless system enables on-line storage and download of data, real-time communication with electronic medical records as well as with other digital data devices and printers. The device is purposed for anemia monitoring, hemorrhage detection and pre-donation screening in environments such as perioperative and critical care, emergency medicine, blood donation facilities, women’s health, primary care physician’s office and homecare. How the non-invasive hemoglobin measurement works, from the press release:

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